Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Holiday House

Field’s Holiday House is a great place for students (and adults!) to get their holiday shopping done for family and friends at prices they can afford. Holiday House is open during the school day December 8-12 and on Saturday, December 13 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. Part of the proceeds of from Holiday House come back to Field PTO to help our school. Thanks for your support!

Breakfast with Santa

Come enjoy Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 13 from 8:00 to 10:00 am in the Multipurpose Room. Bring your camera and get a picture with Santa. Donuts and a drink (orange juice, milk, hot chocolate or coffee) are available for $1.00. Friends, family and neighbors are welcome. See you there!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reindeer Run

On Friday, December 19 the Field PE Department will be hosting the Reindeer Run. Tom the Turkey was rained out in November, but a reindeer will be joining the fun as students, staff and families are invited to walk, trot or run the course.

8:45-9:15       Kindergarten and First Grades
9:30-10:00    Second, Third and Fourth Grades
10:15-10:45    Fifth and Sixth Grades

Visitors please remember you need to sign in at the office.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ice Cream Social

Bring your families and stop by the Multi-Purpose room anytime the evening of Thursday, November 20 from 5:30-8:00 pm to enjoy some free ice cream at Field Elementary's Annual Ice Cream Social. Come visit with your friends while you eat as well as shop at the Book Fair going on in the library. We hope to see you all there!

Box Tops

Cut the Box Tops off of products that you find in your pantry, send them into school with your child, and help us earn lots of free money. Each Box Top is worth 10¢ and that adds up fast. So far this year we have collected $869! We have three contests throughout the year to see which classrooms can collect the most Box Tops. The winning classes for the first contest were:
Mrs. Dyar
Miss Ucci
Mrs. Moss
Mrs. Windley
Mr. Collins
Ms. Pope
Mrs. Heap
Mrs. Fairchild

The next contests end February 17 and May 12.

You can also visit, register in the Booster Club, and Field will get 50¢ for every person who signs up. This website will send you coupons if you are interested, and when we use the site Field will be entered into drawings for cash prizes.

Just so you know, it is always helpful if you cut out the Box Tops so we don’t have to. Trimming the excess around the Box Top helps us save a lot of money on shipping when it is time to send them all in.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Free Money Updates

Safeway is having a Back-to-School promotion right now. If you are already signed up with escrip then credit for your qualifying purchases will automatically be given to Field. If you are not signed up for escrip please visit to do so. If you or someone you know is not currently signed up you can also deposit your receipt in the collection boxes for Field.

Albertson's is having a promotion for Campbells' Labels. If you purchase 10 Campbell's products, many of which are on sale, you can receive 200 bonus labels. The bonus labels coupon is in Albertson's Big Book of Savings which they will give you if you ask. You cut the 200 labels coupon out and staple the Campbell's products labels and your receipt to it and turn it into the school. An easy way to get lots of labels for the school!

Monday, September 15, 2008

PTO Meeting

Our first PTO Meeting of the year is this Thursday, September 18th at 7:30 p.m. following the Test Talks. The meeting will be held in the Media Center and will be about half an hour long. We would love to hear from each of you. As always, you may comment here or email us with any questions. See you Thursday!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Test Talks

Who: Parents/guardian of Field students in grades 1, 2, and 3
What: A workshop for parents on the relationships between State Standards, MPS curriculum, AIMS assessment, Terra Nova and Individual Student Success Plans (learning goals for students.)
When: Thursday, September 18 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Multi-Purpose Room for parent workshop. Media Center for children needing child care.
Purpose: To include parents in the academic planning for their student's success. Parents/guardians will receive the spring AIMS results for their children. There will be a presentation on how to read the results and how those results compare with school, district, and state average scores. Parents will also receive sample AIMS test questions. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and to make suggestions.

Child care will be provided. Please let us know if you will attend and the ages of children who will need child care.

Refreshments will be served following the workshop.

PTO Meeting to follow at 7:30 in the Media Center.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Box Tops Promotion at K-Mart

K-Mart is running a Box Tops Promotion through September 8th. If you purchase 6 participating Kimberly-Clarke, SC Johnson or General Mills Box Tops products you will receive 30 bonus Box Tops instantly (via checkout coupon). If you purchase 12 Box Tops items you will receive 100 bonus Box Tops. This is a great way to earn some more free money for our school. Happy shopping!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Teacher of the Year

Right now at Sam's Club you can nominate your favorite teacher for the Teacher of the Year Award. There are forms and a box at the customer service desk just inside the door. You submit the teacher's name and school and tell why you think they deserve to be nominated. It only takes a couple of minutes so next time you're shopping at Sam's Club stop by and nominate your favorite Field teacher. Maybe we'll have a winner!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Free Money

This week at Albertson's you can save money on your groceries while earning free money for Field. Now through April 19th when you purchase 8 participating box tops items you will receive a 50 Bonus Box Tops Certificate at the register. (One reward per transaction.) Many of these items are already on sale. In addition, if you purchase 8 items you will get $8.00 off your grocery total. Send your Box Tops Certificates with your child to be turned in at school.

For more information about qualifying purchases you can see the Albertson's add by following this link.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Barro’s Pizza

Barro’s Pizza supports our kids once a month by giving a percentage of all Field’s orders back to our school. You can eat in, order out or have your meal delivered. Some people are smart and order lunch with their entire office. Be sure to tell the person helping you that you are from Field Elementary so your order will be counted!

Barro’s Pizza
1925 E Brown Road
(480) 834-1541

Barro’s Pizza Days
August 13, 2008
September 17, 2008
October 15, 2008
November 19, 2008
December 17, 2008
January 14, 2009
February 18, 2009
March 18, 2009
April 15, 2009
May 13, 2009

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thank You

Thank you to Alpine Valley Bread Company for their support of our school in providing bread for the teacher's luncheon. Stop by for delicious bread at 550 W Southern Ave Mesa, AZ 85210.

Meet the Teacher

Tonight is Meet the Teacher night from 5:00-7:00 p.m. It is a great chance for your child to become familiar with their teacher and classroom before the first day of school. Come by the PTO Table in the Multi-Purpose Room to find out about the great things we have planned for this year. See you tonight!